Special Needs Dentistry in Longview, WA
Does your child have special needs that should be considered during their appointment? Whether it is a physical or cognitive disorder, our friendly and well-trained staff would be happy to help accommodate them.
We know that it’s important to choose a good dentist for your child, especially if you need one willing to accommodate their special needs. Our practice can be just the right choice for you.
Making sure your child comes to the dentist regularly despite their special needs is very important. Oftentimes, children with special needs (and children in general) don’t have a clear understanding of why good dental habits are so vital to their long-term health.
Our team doesn’t simply want to enable your child to come to the dentist, we want to be certain that we make their next experience a positive one. This means we will help schedule an appointment at a time your child will be most relaxed and ready to come visit.
We’ll also discuss with you ahead of time about the potential of sedation or anything that may help your child stay relaxed during their visit. While there may still be a short wait before your child can head into the exam room, we will do our best to accommodate their needs in any way we can.
We encourage parents to bring activities to keep their child calm and entertained (like a tablet) prior to their appointment. If you have questions about special needs dentistry in Longview, please contact our office.